Description: WMATA Regional Bus Stops (permanent and temporary). The dataset includes bus stop identification, location, and inventory information (KFH bus stop inventory survey).
Copyright Text: Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Bus stop position type code, length: 3
, Coded Values:
[MIX: Mid Block Across From]
, [NEX: Near Side Across From]
, [FAX: Far Side Across From]
, ...6 more...
Color: [0, 38, 115, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: bottom Horizontal Alignment: center Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 8 Font Family: Verdana Font Style: normal Font Weight: normal Font Decoration: none
Value: Old Town Trolley National Cathedral, Uptown & Georgetown Loop Label: Old Town Trolley National Cathedral, Uptown & Georgetown Loop Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Old Town Trolley National Cathedral, Uptown & Georgetown Loop Label: Old Town Trolley National Cathedral, Uptown & Georgetown Loop Description: N/A Symbol:
Description: This dataset represents Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority's (WMATA) Metrobus Priority Corridor Network (PCN). This dataset supports a strategy for improving bus service in the Washington region quickly and efficiently. The goal of the PCN is to improve bus service travel times, reliability, capacity, productivity and system access. The plan includes 24 corridors across the region and will impact half of all bus riders in the current Metrobus system. All WMATA GIS data is stored and exported in WMATA LDP NAD 1983 [NSRS2007] US Feet.
Copyright Text: Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority's (WMATA)