Description: Street Roadway Segments. A single line, segmented at all intersections (alley , service road, drive, street, and driveway centerline types), representing each street in the District. They follow the general trend of the street and do not deviate due to parking lanes, turning lanes, etc. and contain address ranges for geocoding. The street GIS database includes five different street road types: street centerline, alley, drive, ramp and service road. All DC GIS data is stored and exported in Maryland State Plane coordinates NAD 83 meters. This layer contains complete theoretical address ranges. METADATA CONTENT IS IN PROCESS OF VALIDATION AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE.****Dataset Retired on 10/2020****
Copyright Text: DC District Department of Transportation
Description: Washington DC Recycling Routes digitized by tracing street centerlines that form the boundaries of the various routes. The layer includes recycling routes serviced by one collection per week. The routes delineate the areas collected by a single crew on a single day per week.
Copyright Text: Digitized by Nkechi Whiteman ( )
Department of Public Works, Solid Waste Management Administration