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Generate KML (DCGIS_DATA/Demographic_WebMercator)

    Census Blocks - 2020(0)
    Census Blocks - 2010(49)
    Census Blocks - 2000(1)
    Census Block Groups - 2020(2)
    Census Block Groups - 2010(51)
    Census Block Groups - 2000(3)
    Census Block Groups by 2004 Population(4)
    Census Block Groups by 2004 Population Density(5)
    Census Block Groups by 2000 Population(6)
    Census Block Groups by 2000 Population Density(7)
    Census Tracts - 2020(8)
    Census Tracts - 2010(50)
    Census Tracts - 2000(9)
    Census Tracts - 1990(10)
    Census Tracts - 1980(11)
    Census Tracts - 1970(12)
    Census Tracts - 1960(13)
    Census Tracts - 1950(14)
    Census Tracts - 1940(15)
    Census Tracts - 1930(16)
    Census Tracts by Median Income - 2000(17)
    Census Tracts by Population - 2000(18)
    Census Tracts by Population - 1990(19)
    Census Tracts by Population Change - 2000(20)
    Neighborhood Composition(21)
    Public Use Microdata Areas (PUMA)(22)
    Traffic Analysis Zones(23)
    Traffic Analysis Zones by Employment (24)
    Traffic Analysis Zones by Population(25)
    Wards by Population - 2002(26)
    Estimated White Population - 2010(27)
    Estimated Black Population - 2010(28)
    Estimated Hispanic Population - 2010(29)
    Estimated Asian Population - 2010(30)
    Census Blocks Centroid - 2010(31)
    ACS 1-Year Demographic Characteristics of DC(57)
    ACS 5-Year Demographic Characteristics of DC(37)
    ACS 5-Year Demographic Characteristics of DC Census Tracts(38)
    ACS 5-Year Demographic Characteristics of DC Wards(39)
    ACS Demographic DC Experimental 2017-2021(52)
    ACS 1-Year Economic Characteristics of DC(58)
    ACS 5-Year Economic Characteristics of DC(40)
    ACS 5-Year Economic Characteristics of DC Census Tracts(41)
    ACS 5-Year Economic Characteristics of DC Wards(42)
    ACS Economic DC Experimental 2017-2021(53)
    ACS 1-Year Housing Characteristics of DC(59)
    ACS 5-Year Housing Characteristics of DC (43)
    ACS 5-Year Housing Characteristics of DC Census Tracts (44)
    ACS 5-Year Housing Characteristics of DC Wards(45)
    ACS Housing DC Experimental 2017-2021(54)
    ACS 1-Year Social Characteristics of DC(60)
    ACS 5-Year Social Characteristics of DC(46)
    ACS 5-Year Social Characteristics of DC Census Tracts(47)
    ACS 5-Year Social Characteristics of DC Wards(48)
    ACS Social DC Experimental 2017-2021(55)
    ACS 1-Year Business Characteristics of DC(56)
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