- URL:https://<geoanalytics-url>/ReconstructTracks
- Version Introduced:10.5

The ReconstructTracks operation works with a time-enabled layer of either point or polygon features that represent an instant in time. It first determines which features belong to a track using an identifier. Using the time at each location, the tracks are ordered sequentially and transformed into a line or polygon representing the path of movement over time. Optionally, the input can be buffered by a field, which creates a polygon at each location. These buffered points, or polygons if the inputs are polygons, are then joined sequentially to create a track as a polygon where the width is representative of the attribute of interest. Resulting tracks have start and end times that represent the time at the first and last feature in a given track. When the tracks are created, statistics about the input features are calculated and assigned to the output track. The most basic statistic is the count of points within the area, but other statistics can be calculated as well. Features in time-enabled layers can be represented in one of two ways:
- Instant—A single moment in time
- Interval—A start and end time
For example, you have GPS measurements of hurricanes every 10 minutes. Each GPS measurement records the hurricane name, location, time of recording, and wind speed. You can create tracks of the hurricanes using the name of the hurricane as the track identification, and all hurricanes' tracks will be generated. You can calculate statistics such as the mean, maximum, and minimum wind speed of each hurricane, as well as the count of measurements in each track.
Request parameters
Parameter | Details |
inputLayer (Required) | The point or polygon features from which tracks will be constructed. Syntax: As described in Feature input, this parameter can be one of the following:
REST examples
trackFields (Required) | The fields used to identify distinct tracks. There can be multiple trackFields. REST examples
method (Required) | The method used to apply reconstruct tracks and, optionally, to apply the buffer. There are two methods to choose from: Planar and Geodesic. The Planar method joins points using a plane method and will not cross the international date line. For buffers, this method applies a Euclidean buffer and is appropriate for local analysis on projected data. This is the default. The Geodesic method joins points geodesically and will allow tracks to cross the international date line. For buffers, this method is appropriate for large areas and any geographic coordinate system. REST examples
bufferField (Optional) | A field in the inputLayer that contains a buffer distance or a buffer expression. A buffer expression must begin with an equal sign (=). To learn more about buffer expressions, see Buffer Expressions. REST examples
summaryFields (Optional) | A list of field names and statistical summary types you want to calculate. Note that the count is always returned. By default, all statistics are returned. onStatisticField specifies the name of the fields in the target layer. statisticType is one of the following for numeric fields:
REST examples
timeSplit (Optional) | A time duration used to split tracks. Any features in the inputLayer that are in the same track and are farther apart than this time will be split into a new track. The units of the distance values are supplied by the timeSplitUnit parameter. If both distanceSplit and timeSplit are used, a track is split when at least one condition is met. REST examples
timeSplitUnit (Required if timeSplit is specified) | The temporal unit to be used with the temporal distance value specified in timeSplit. Values: Milliseconds | Seconds | Minutes | Hours | Days | Weeks| Months | Years REST examples
distanceSplit (Optional) | A distance used to split tracks. Any features in the inputLayer that are in the same track and are farther apart than this distance will be split into a new track. The units of the distance values are supplied by the distanceSplitUnit parameter. If both distanceSplit and timeSplit are used, the track is split when at least one condition is met. REST examples
distanceSplitUnit (Required if distanceSplit is specified) | The distance unit to be used with the distance value specified in distanceSplit. Values: Meters | Kilometers | Feet | FeetInt | FeetUS | Miles | MilesInt | MilesUS | NauticalMiles | NauticalMilesInt | NauticalMilesUS | Yards | YardsInt | YardsUS REST examples
timeBoundarySplit (Optional) | A time boundary allows you to analyze values within a defined time span. For example, if you use a time boundary of 1 day, starting on January 1, 1980, tracks will be analyzed one day at a time. REST examples
timeBoundarySplitUnit (Required if timeBoundarySplit is specified) | The unit applied to the time boundary. timeBoundarySplitUnit is required if a timeBoundarySplit is provided. Values: Milliseconds | Seconds | Minutes | Hours | Days | Weeks| Months | Years REST examples
timeBoundaryReference (Optional) | A date that specifies the reference time to align the time boundary to, represented in milliseconds from epoch. The default is January 1, 1970, at 12:00 a.m. (epoch time stamp 0). This option is only available if the timeBoundarySplit and timeBoundarySplitUnit are set. REST examples
arcadeSplit (Optional) | An expression that splits tracks based on values, geometry, or time values. Expressions that validate to true will be split. This parameter is only available with ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9 and later. REST examples
splitBoundaryOption (Optional) | Specifies how the track segment between two features is created when a track is split. The split type is applied to split expressions, distance splits, and time splits. This parameter is only available with ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9 and later.
REST examples
outputName (Required) | The task will create a feature service of the results. You define the name of the service. REST examples
context (Optional) | The context parameter contains additional settings that affect task execution. For this task, there are four settings:
f | The response format. The default response format is html. Values: html | json |
Example usage
Below is a sample request URL for ReconstructTracks:
https://webadaptor.domain.com/server/rest/services/System/GeoAnalyticsTools/GPServer/ReconstructTracks/submitJob?inputLayer={"url":"https://webadaptor.domain.com/server/rest/services/Hurricane/hurricaneTrack/0"}&trackFields=Hurricane Name&method=Gedesic&timeSplit=53&timeSplitUnit=Minutes&distanceSplit=25&distanceSplitUnit=Miles&timeBoundarySplit=1&timeBoundarySplitUnit=Weeks&timeBoundaryReference=9466835800000&outputName=myOutput&context={"extent":{"xmin":-122.68,"ymin":45.53,"xmax":-122.45,"ymax":45.6,"spatialReference":{"wkid":4326}}}&f=json
When you submit a request, the service assigns a unique job ID for the transaction.
"jobId": "<unique job identifier>",
"jobStatus": "<job status>"
After the initial request is submitted, you can use jobId to periodically check the status of the job and messages as described in Check job status. Once the job has successfully completed, use jobId to retrieve the results. To track the status, you can make a request of the following form:
https://<analysis url>/ReconstructTracks/jobs/<jobId>
Access results
When the status of the job request is esriJobSucceeded, you can access the results of the analysis by making a request of the following form:
https://<analysis-url>/ReconstructTracks/jobs/<jobId>/results/output?token=<your token>&f=json
Response | Description |
output | The output tracks will be lines if points were given as inputLayer without a buffer. The output tracks will be polygons if points were given as an input with a buffer applied or if polygons were given as the input. The result has properties for parameter name, data type, and value. The contents of value depend on the outputName parameter provided in the initial request. The value contains the URL of the feature service layer. See Feature output for more information about how the result layer is accessed. |