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The dataset contains locations and attributes of retired address points, created as part of the Master Address Repository (MAR) for the Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO) and Department of Buildings (DOB). There are over 40,000 retired addresses. These once existed, but no longer do. More information on the MAR can be found at <\/SPAN>https://opendata.dc.gov/pages/addressing-in-dc<\/SPAN><\/A>. The data dictionary is available: <\/SPAN>https://opendata.dc.gov/documents/2a4b3d59aade43188b6d18e3811f4fd3/explore<\/SPAN><\/A>. 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The dataset contains locations and attributes of blocks, created as part of the Master Address Repository (MAR) for the Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO) and participating DC government agencies. The blocks used street centerlines information from DDOT. Blocks include named alleys in DC (such as 'WALTER ALLEY NE'). A block represents a street segment which usually has two bordering streets. The coordinates for the blocks are located at the midpoint of the street segment. More information on the MAR can be found at <\/SPAN>https://opendata.dc.gov/pages/addressing-in-dc<\/SPAN><\/A>. The data dictionary is available: <\/SPAN>https://opendata.dc.gov/documents/2a4b3d59aade43188b6d18e3811f4fd3/explore<\/SPAN><\/A>. 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