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Latino: Population of four races: White; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0020060", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of four races: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0020061", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of four races: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0020062", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of four races: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0020063", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population: Not Hispanic or 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American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0020068", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of five races:: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0020069", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of five races:: White; Black or African American; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0020070", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of five races:: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0020071", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of five races:: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0020072", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of six races:", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0020073", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of six races:: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030001", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030002", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of one race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030003", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of one race: White alone", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030004", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of one race: Black or African American alone", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030005", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of one race: American Indian and Alaska Native alone", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030006", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of one race: Asian alone", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030007", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of one race: Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030008", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of one race: Some Other Race alone", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030009", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of two or more races", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030010", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of two or more races: Population of two races", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030011", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of two or more races: White; Black or African American", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030012", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of two or more races: White; American Indian and Alaska Native", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030013", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of two or more races: White; Asian", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030014", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of two or more races: White; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030015", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of two or more races: White; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030016", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of two or more races: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030017", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of two or more races: Black or African American; Asian", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030018", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of two or more races: Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030019", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of two or more races: Black or African American; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030020", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of two or more races: American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030021", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of two or more races: American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030022", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of two or more races: American Indian and Alaska Native; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030023", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of two or more races: Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030024", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of two or more races: Asian; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030025", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of two or more races: Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030026", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of three races", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030027", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of three races: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030028", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of three races: White; Black or African American; Asian", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030029", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of three races: White; Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030030", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of three races: White; Black or African American; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030031", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of three races: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030032", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of three races: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030033", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of three races: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030034", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of three races: White; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030035", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of three races: White; Asian; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030036", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of three races: White; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030037", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of three races: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030038", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of three races: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030039", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of three races: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030040", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of three races: Black or African American; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030041", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of three races: Black or African American; Asian; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030042", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of three races: Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030043", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of three races: American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030044", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of three races: American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030045", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of three races: American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030046", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of three races: Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030047", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of four races", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030048", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of four races: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030049", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of four races: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030050", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of four races: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030051", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of four races: White; Black or African American; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030052", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of four races: White; Black or African American; Asian; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030053", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of four races: White; Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030054", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of four races: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030055", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of four races: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030056", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of four races: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030057", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of four races: White; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030058", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of four races: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030059", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of four races: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030060", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of four races: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030061", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of four races: Black or African American; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030062", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of four races: American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030063", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of five races", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030064", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of five races: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030065", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of five races: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030066", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of five races: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030067", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of five races: White; Black or African American; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030068", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of five races: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030069", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of five races: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030070", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of six races", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030071", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of six races: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040001", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040002", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Hispanic or Latino", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040003", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040004", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of one race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040005", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: White alone", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040006", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Black or African American alone", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040007", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: American Indian and Alaska Native alone", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040008", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Asian alone", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040009", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040010", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Some Other Race alone", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040011", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of two or more races", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040012", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of two races", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040013", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of two or more races: White; Black or African American", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040014", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of two or more races: White; American Indian and Alaska Native", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040015", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of two or more races: White; Asian", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040016", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of two or more races: White; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040017", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of two or more races: White; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040018", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of two or more races: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040019", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of two or more races: Black or African American; Asian", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040020", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of two or more races: Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040021", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of two or more races: Black or African American; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040022", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of two or more races: American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040023", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of two or more races: American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040024", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of two or more races: American Indian and Alaska Native; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040025", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of two or more races: Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040026", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of two or more races: Asian; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040027", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of two or more races: Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040028", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of three races", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040029", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of three races: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040030", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of three races: White; Black or African American; Asian", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040031", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of three races: White; Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040032", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of three races: White; Black or African American; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040033", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of three races: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040034", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of three races: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040035", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of three races: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040036", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of three races: White; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040037", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of three races: White; Asian; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040038", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of three races: White; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040039", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of three races: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040040", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of three races: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040041", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of three races: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040042", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of three races: Black or African American; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040043", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of three races: Black or African American; Asian; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040044", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of three races: Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040045", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of three races: American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040046", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of three races: American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040047", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of three races: American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040048", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of three races: Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040049", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of three races: Population of four races", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040050", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of four races: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040051", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of four races: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040052", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of four races: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040053", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of four races: White; Black or African American; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040054", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of four races: White; Black or African American; Asian; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040055", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of four races: White; Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040056", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of four races: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040057", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of four races: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040058", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of four races: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040059", "type": 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"supportsCoordinatesQuantization": true, "supportsDynamicLegends": true }, { "currentVersion": 11.2, "cimVersion": "3.2.0", "id": 37, "name": "2020 Census Blocks", "type": "Feature Layer", "description": "Census blocks are statistical areas bounded on all sides by visible features (e.g., streets, roads, streams, and railroad tracks), and by non-visible boundaries (e.g., city, town, township, county limits, and short line-of-sight extensions of streets and roads). Generally, census blocks are small in area (e.g., a block in a city). Census blocks in suburban and rural areas may be large, irregular, and bounded by a variety of features (e.g., roads, streams, and/or transmission line rights-of-way). In remote areas, census blocks may encompass hundreds of square miles. Census blocks cover all territory in the United States, Puerto Rico, and the Island areas. Blocks do not cross the boundaries of any entity for which the Census Bureau tabulates data.Census Block Numbers\u2014Census blocks are numbered uniquely within the boundaries of each state, county, census tract with a 4-character census block number. The first character of the tabulation block number identifies the block group. A block number can only be unique by using the decennial census state (STATEFP), county (COUNTYFP), census tract (TRACTCE), and block (BLOCKCE)+. There is no consistency in block numbers from census to census.", "geometryType": "esriGeometryPolygon", "sourceSpatialReference": { "wkid": 26985, "latestWkid": 26985, "xyTolerance": 0.001, "zTolerance": 0.001, "mTolerance": 0.001, "falseX": -36747100, "falseY": -29091500, "xyUnits": 10000, "falseZ": 0, "zUnits": 1, "falseM": 0, "mUnits": 1 }, "copyrightText": "https://www.census.gov, https://planning.dc.gov", "parentLayer": null, "subLayers": [], "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 0, "referenceScale": 0.0, "drawingInfo": { "renderer": { "type": "simple", "symbol": { "type": "esriSFS", "style": "esriSFSSolid", "color": [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "outline": { "type": "esriSLS", "style": "esriSLSSolid", "color": [ 115, 115, 0, 255 ], "width": 1 } } }, "scaleSymbols": true, "transparency": 0, "labelingInfo": null }, "defaultVisibility": false, "extent": { "xmin": 389616.64580000204, "ymin": 124877.861299999, "xmax": 407860.387599997, "ymax": 147545.754000001, "spatialReference": { "wkid": 26985, "latestWkid": 26985, "xyTolerance": 0.001, "zTolerance": 0.001, "mTolerance": 0.001, "falseX": -36747100, "falseY": -29091500, "xyUnits": 10000, "falseZ": -100000, "zUnits": 10000, "falseM": -100000, "mUnits": 10000 } }, "hasAttachments": false, "htmlPopupType": "esriServerHTMLPopupTypeAsHTMLText", "displayField": "NAME", "typeIdField": null, "subtypeFieldName": null, "subtypeField": null, "defaultSubtypeCode": null, "fields": [ { "name": "OBJECTID", "type": "esriFieldTypeOID", "alias": "OBJECTID", "domain": null }, { "name": "TRACT", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "Census Tract", "length": 6, "domain": null }, { "name": "BLOCK", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "Block", "length": 4, "domain": null }, { "name": "ALAND", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "alias": "Area Land", "domain": null }, { "name": "AWATER", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "alias": "Area Water", "domain": null }, { "name": "SHAPE_LENG", "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble", "alias": "Shape_Leng", "domain": null }, { "name": "STUSAB", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "State/US-Abbreviation (USPS)", "length": 1073741822, "domain": null }, { "name": "SUMLEV", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Summary Level", "domain": null }, { "name": "GEOID", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "Geographic Record Identifier", "length": 1073741822, "domain": null }, { "name": "GEOCODE", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "Geographic Code Identifier", "length": 15, "domain": null }, { "name": "STATE", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "State (FIPS)", "domain": null }, { "name": "BLKGRP", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Block Group", "domain": null }, { "name": "NAME", "type": "esriFieldTypeString", "alias": "Area Name-Legal/Statistical Area Description (LSAD) Term-Part Indicator", "length": 1073741822, "domain": null }, { "name": "POP100", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Population Count (100%)", "domain": null }, { "name": "HU100", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Housing Unit Count (100%)", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0010001", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0010002", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population: Population of one race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0010003", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population: Population of one race: White alone", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0010004", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population: Population of one race: Black or African American alone", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0010005", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population: Population of one race: American Indian and Alaska Native alone", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0010006", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population: Population of one race: Asian alone", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0010007", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population: Population 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"domain": null }, { "name": "P0020053", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of four races: White; Black or African American; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0020054", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of four races: White; Black or African American; Asian; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0020055", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of four races: White; Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0020056", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of four races: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0020057", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of four races: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0020058", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of four races: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0020059", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of four races: White; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0020060", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of four races: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0020061", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of four races: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0020062", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of four races: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0020063", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of four races: Black or African American; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0020064", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of four races: American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0020065", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of five races:", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0020066", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of five races:: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0020067", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of five races:: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0020068", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of five races:: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0020069", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of five races:: White; Black or African American; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0020070", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of five races:: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0020071", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of five races:: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0020072", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of six races:", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0020073", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of six races:: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030001", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030002", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of one race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030003", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of one race: White alone", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030004", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of one race: Black or African American alone", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030005", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of one race: American Indian and Alaska Native alone", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030006", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of one race: Asian alone", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030007", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of one race: Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030008", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of one race: Some Other Race alone", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030009", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of two or more races", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030010", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of two or more races: Population of two races", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030011", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of two or more races: White; Black or African American", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030012", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of two or more races: White; American Indian and Alaska Native", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030013", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of two or more races: White; Asian", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030014", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of two or more races: White; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030015", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of two or more races: White; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030016", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of two or more races: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030017", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of two or more races: Black or African American; Asian", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030018", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of two or more races: Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030019", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of two or more races: Black or African American; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030020", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of two or more races: American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030021", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of two or more races: American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030022", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of two or more races: American Indian and Alaska Native; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030023", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of two or more races: Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030024", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of two or more races: Asian; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030025", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of two or more races: Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030026", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of three races", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030027", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of three races: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030028", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of three races: White; Black or African American; Asian", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030029", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of three races: White; Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030030", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of three races: White; Black or African American; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030031", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of three races: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030032", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of three races: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030033", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of three races: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030034", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of three races: White; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030035", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of three races: White; Asian; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030036", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of three races: White; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030037", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of three races: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030038", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of three races: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030039", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of three races: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030040", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of three races: Black or African American; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030041", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of three races: Black or African American; Asian; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030042", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of three races: Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030043", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of three races: American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030044", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of three races: American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030045", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of three races: American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030046", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of three races: Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030047", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of four races", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030048", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of four races: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030049", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of four races: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030050", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of four races: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030051", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of four races: White; Black or African American; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030052", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of four races: White; Black or African American; Asian; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030053", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of four races: White; Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030054", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of four races: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030055", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of four races: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030056", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of four races: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030057", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of four races: White; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030058", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of four races: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030059", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of four races: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030060", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of four races: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030061", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of four races: Black or African American; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030062", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of four races: American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030063", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of five races", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030064", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of five races: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030065", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of five races: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030066", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of five races: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030067", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of five races: White; Black or African American; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030068", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of five races: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030069", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of five races: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030070", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of six races", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0030071", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Population of six races: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040001", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040002", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Hispanic or Latino", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040003", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040004", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of one race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040005", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: White alone", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040006", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Black or African American alone", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040007", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: American Indian and Alaska Native alone", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040008", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Asian alone", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040009", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040010", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Some Other Race alone", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040011", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of two or more races", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040012", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of two races", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040013", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of two or more races: White; Black or African American", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040014", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of two or more races: White; American Indian and Alaska Native", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040015", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of two or more races: White; Asian", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040016", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of two or more races: White; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040017", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of two or more races: White; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040018", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of two or more races: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040019", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of two or more races: Black or African American; Asian", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040020", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of two or more races: Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040021", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of two or more races: Black or African American; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040022", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of two or more races: American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040023", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of two or more races: American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040024", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of two or more races: American Indian and Alaska Native; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040025", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of two or more races: Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040026", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of two or more races: Asian; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040027", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of two or more races: Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040028", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of three races", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040029", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of three races: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040030", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of three races: White; Black or African American; Asian", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040031", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of three races: White; Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040032", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of three races: White; Black or African American; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040033", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of three races: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040034", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of three races: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040035", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of three races: White; American Indian and Alaska Native; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040036", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of three races: White; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040037", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of three races: White; Asian; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040038", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of three races: White; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040039", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of three races: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040040", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of three races: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040041", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of three races: Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040042", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of three races: Black or African American; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040043", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of three races: Black or African American; Asian; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040044", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of three races: Black or African American; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040045", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of three races: American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040046", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of three races: American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040047", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of three races: American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040048", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of three races: Asian; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander; Some Other Race", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040049", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of three races: Population of four races", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040050", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of four races: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Asian", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040051", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of four races: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", "domain": null }, { "name": "P0040052", "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger", "alias": "Total Population over 18: Not Hispanic or Latino: Population of four races: White; Black or African American; American Indian and Alaska Native; Some Other 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